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Tempurity™ System Utilities

These utilities are designed for modification by our customers and thus have not been validated for FDA GxP. All are designed for use on Microsoft Windows platforms.

Tempurity Monitor V3 Viewmap (Background) Templates

These are a collection of .bmp files that serve as a starting place in developing Tempurity Monitor "viewmaps" or backgrounds.

Customer-designed viewmaps allow the orgainization of monitored devices via any method. A viewmap could be a floorplan with the relevant monitored devices in their physical locations. Or it could segregate monitored devices by instrument or parameter type. Any visual organization is possible.

The downloaded zip file includes templates and screenshots and preliminary documentation. 

Example Tempurity Monitor Viewmap


Min Max Customizable Report

This customizable Python report produces the max and min temperature(or voltage, O2, etc) on each of the days of a month for all Tempurity monitored devices. Use this as a basis for many types of Tempurity System Customization.  Commonly you would download all 3 files.

-The Customizable Python as zip file
-Documentation for this Utility in PDF
-A special version of  the Tempurity Monitor program for creating device lists


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Prints (or creates pdfs of)  Graphs  for All Monitored Devices in a Date Range




This version of the Tempurity Monitor automatically prints (or creates pdfs of) graphs -  for all monitoredevices in a date range.

 -Documentation for this Utility is in PDF.


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Tempurity™ Daily Report


Monthly Report for each monitored device with only one representative temperature displayed for each day - a customizable Python® v3.x utility for generating a report with a single daily reading for each day in any month for a single monitored device. Similar to Min Max Customizable Report above.



NTMS WAN Configuration Read Utility


This special version reads (but can't write)  Networked Robotics' NTMS hardware configurations over a wide area network.  The standard NTMS Configuration Utility can both read and configure over a local area network. For the standard utility see the software download page.


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Mean Kinetic Temperature Excel Spreadsheet

Excel® Template for calculating Mean Kinetic Temperature (MKT) from Tempurity
System Data

Requires known activation energy for the substance stored,  or you can use an assumed value



Python utility for scanning the network and returning a file with a list of NTMS devices

Tempurityscanlist - a customizable
and their configurations

For loading NTMS list and their configurations into Excel  Python® V2.5 is required.



Excel® Template for working with Tempurity System Alarm Logs


Excel® Template for working with Tempurity
System Alarm Logs 

Sort alarms by device, time, etc.



Deprecated Configuration Utility


NTMS Configuration Utility, version 1.0  (deprecated)Alternative tool for configuring NTMS hardware across a wide area network.

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Tempurity Monitor V1 Autostart

  Click to download the Tempurity Monitor Autostart  Utility v1.0  (deprecated)This deprecated utility applies only to Tempurity Monitors running on Windows XP and Tempurity Version 1. This utility is used to instantiate the Version 1 Tempurity Monitor so that it is always running on your computer.
Tempurity Monitor versions 1.5 and up do not require the Tempurity Monitor Autostart
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